What to look for in a landlord
What make a good student landlord? We give you top tips on how to choose a landlord who will ensure that you have a good standard of student housing.
When you're a university student, finding a good landlord is essential as they are as important as the house that you're choosing. It's easy to only be concerned with how much rent you're paying but of equal importance should be the person you're speaking to about renting a student house.You want someone who is approachable, reliable, responsive, and understanding of your needs. Here are a few things to look for when searching for a landlord:
1. Experience: A landlord with experience in renting houses to students will be more likely to understand your needs and be able to provide you with the support you need.
2. Reputation: Do some research online and ask around to see if the landlord has a good reputation. You don't want to end up with a landlord who is difficult to contact, doesn't fix problems promptly, or doesn't respect your privacy. IDEALLY YOU WANT A LANDLORD WHO HAS REGISTERED THEIR HOUSES AND ACCOMMODATION WITH THE UNIVERSITY WHICH WILL GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND.
3. Communication: A good landlord will be easy to communicate with. They should be responsive to your emails and phone calls, and they should be willing to answer your questions.
4. Responsiveness: A good landlord will be responsive to your needs. If there is a problem with your house, they should address the problem promptly. They should also be responsive to your questions and concerns.
5. Fairness: A good landlord will be fair in their dealings with you. They will charge a fair rent and they will not try to take advantage of you.
In addition to these factors, it is also important to consider the following when choosing a landlord:
The property: Make sure the property is in good condition and that it meets your needs.
The location: Choose a property that is convenient for your university campus or where you might train for your sports team.
The rent: Make sure the rent is affordable and that it is in line with the market rate.
By considering all of these factors, you can choose a landlord who will provide you with a positive renting experience. ABOVE ALL, DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS AS A GOOD LANDLORD WILL HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE AND WON'T MIND ANSWERING THEM.